
by ZiGaelle

Libraries & Demo


Search through bioRxiv preprints from android mobiles

Perform a BioRxiv preprints search (need internet connection).Enter the keywords you are looking for in the search bar, select the maximal number of results to fetch and click search.A scrolable list of articles (with BestMatch sort method by default) will appear below the search area, displaying the titles of the articles. You can click on the one you want to expand. It will open a new window with article title, authors list and abstract, with at the bottom 3 buttons: one for saving the article reference, one for emailing/texting the link to this article and the other one download the pdf of the article.If the preprint has already been published and is in the PubMed database, the reference of the corresponding article will be displayed in red below. Then if email or download is clicked, it will link to the published version.The list of saved articles is saved locally and can be access by going to the menu, "List saved articles" option.It will reload the saved articles. The list can be reseted.In Settings, you can change the default sorting method used (either BestMatch, newest or oldest).fixed URL problem